Family Drawing Night: Patterns

Family Family Drawing Night: Patterns

In a fun and supportive environment, participants will learn to apply pattern drawing principles, enabling them to create designs ranging from simple and geometric to complex and intricate. Come with a family member, bring a friend, or attend solo and make new friends while learning repetition, symmetry, negative space, and more using pen and ink! All supplies provided; all levels of artistic talent welcomed! Great for children and their parents to attend together.

Event Details

Phone: 775.826.6100
Admission: Ticketed $20
Rated: G - General Audiences
More Info:

Lake Mansion
250 Court St.
Reno, NV 89501

Event Schedule

July 23 4:30pm - 6:30pm


Dragon Lights


Black Violin BV20: Then & Now


Martha Graham Dance Company


Step Afrika!

